PBO no. 930018601
Write to:
Zisize Educational Trust
PO Box 232 Ingwavuma
KwaZulu Natal
035 5725500
A satellite centre was a mere long-term dream until Maria Eldred, a graduate management trainee at the Diamond Trading Company London, put the idea forward as her chosen project in 2003. Each of the fourteen graduates had been asked to submit an idea for a sustainable project in a disadvantaged community, which would give them opportunities for developing leadership and management qualities. Zisize was the fortunate one to be chosen. On top of their normal work they spent almost a year fundraising sufficient money to build a centre and anticipated when they arrived in April 2004 that it would be finished and they could paint it and stock it with donations they had gathered in UK. However,a host of building-related difficulties meant that this is what they found:- |
Three weeks later, thanks to their Herculean efforts under the guidance of David Cooper from Lumus360, Chepstow, (who along with Hlengiwe, also motivated the builder to speed up), this is what they left behind. |
The centre is so well used that we have had to give the children time slots according to the grade they are in. Grade R also come immediately after school daily for a couple of hours as they finish school earlier than the other classes. All ages can come on a Saturday and do, in their droves! | |
Children borrowing library books (above). | |
Staff join children for drama at the Battle of the Books Competition. We have been amazed by the children's enthusiasm and ability and had to raise the level of questions to create a challenge for them! | Puzzling over jigsaws
Initially we only replicated the after school play and library facilities of the main centre but a crèche began in June 2005. This offers care and stimulation for young children whose mothers are still at school or from families cared for by older siblings, (thereby freeing them to continue their education), and from families where there is a sick carer (to give them respite). Nominations for places came from the nompilos (community nurses) who are able to identify those most in need.These children receive breakfast and lunch at the centre and their school age siblings also come to us for breakfast and have a takeaway after school, as most have no food at home and frequently no adult carer. At Zisize, they have the opportunity to play, receive care and education as well as nutrition. |
Creche lunch (above); playing 'house' (below) |
Making faces (above); throwing bean bags (below) |
The centre runs a Soul Buddyz lifeskills group for 9 to 14 years olds as well as termly Battle of the Books Competitons. Zisize and the community of Manyiseni are grateful beyond words to the DTC graduate team, Nick Godwin and Mike & Dave from Lumus (360 degree feedback providers) , pictured below (with Hlengiwe and Niki) and all those who sponsored their project. |
Study facilities are available for High School pupils thanks to The Jephcott Trust which funded an extension in 2007. | |